Top Benefits of Soybean Meal

6 Mar 2024    - Admin

Top Benefits of Soybean Meal – Over the past several years, soybean meal has become the main protein source of animal feed. More than three-quarters of the soy supply is lost each year due to feed manufacturing, more than any other grain. Generally, your animals, especially dairy cows, need protein-rich meals. Therefore, the farmer must select a diet that meets the animals’ daily needs for maintenance, body reserves, health, reproduction, milk production and commercial feasibility. One meal that meets the above requirements and provides Top Benefits of Soybean Meal. Prodigy Foods is one of the best manufacturers and suppliers in India, we have been recognized as one of the leading soybean meal manufacturers and suppliers in India, and we offer high-quality animal meal, it is designed to improve animal health and productivity.

Top Benefits of Soybean Meal

What is Soybean Meal?

A byproduct of extracting oil from soybean seeds is soybean meal. One of the primary oilseeds is soybean seeds, and India leads Southeast Asia in soybean seed production. Generally, the oil content in soybean seeds ranges from 16 to 22%. These seeds are removed, and the remaining soybean meal – which is typically fed to feed animals – contains only 1 per cent oil. Soybean meal contains major sources of protein, energy and essential amino acids.

Top Benefits of Soybean Meal for Farm Animals

Soybean meal is irreplaceable for the animal feed industry. Here are some of the top benefits of soybean meal for farm animals and dairy cows  –

High Protein Content

The protein content of soybean meal ranges from 44% to 48%. Soybean is a great source of protein for farm animals such as dairy cows. It is well known that soybeans contain high levels of lysine. It provides diets with high protein content for farm animals. Given that protein is essential for many metabolic processes, including growth, reproduction, and lactation, the high protein content of soybean meals makes them an excellent source of protein for animals. Although all plant-derived protein sources are accessible, soybeans provide the largest amount of crude protein.

Amino Acid Content

Another important nutrient that must be present in animal diets is amino acids. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which also help in the development of a strong immune system in animals. An important component of the body’s muscle development, amino acids also help in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters. A dairy cow needs about twenty different amino acids, and they can be combined in different ways to produce different types of proteins. About ten essential and ten non-essential amino acids can be found in a good soybean meal.

High Levels of Carbohydrates

For any animal, carbohydrates are one of its primary energy sources. In an animal, carbohydrates can make up more than 75% of its diet. By burning energy, carbohydrates can give the animal the energy it needs to move its muscles and keep warm. Animal bodies never store carbohydrates, so they must be included in the daily diet. Soybean meal has about the same carbs as protein, so it may be able to help. Soybean meal contains sufficient starch and non-starch polysaccharides, free sugars and oligosaccharides to meet the daily carbohydrate requirements of the animal.

Increased Metabolic Energy

The gross energy of feed consumed by animals is reduced by the gross energy of urine, faeces, and other gaseous digestion products to determine apparent metabolic energy. This calculation is important because not all animals can digest all high-energy meals. When soybean meal is properly prepared, high levels of apparent metabolizable energy are recognized, and soybean meal is exceptionally nutritious and provides an easily digestible diet.


For cattle, a palatable meal is an important determinant of consumption. Their extreme meal preferences can cause problems with the amount of food they consume. Feeding frame animals and cows a low-quality diet is equivalent to feeding them a high-energy diet. Animals can get adequate protein from soybean meal. Furthermore, its low fibre content and high digestion and metabolism can promote dairy animal production.


I hope you got all the information about the top benefits of soybean meal mentioned above. Soybean meal provides all the nutrient-dense benefits mentioned at a reasonable price that keeps your livestock healthy. Today approximately 98% of soybean meal globally ends up in animal feed. Prodigy Foods offers the best quality soybean meal that is the best source of nutrition and overall well-being for animals. We are one of the top suppliers of Soybean Meal in India If you want to buy high-protein rich Soybean Meal then contact Prodigy Foods.

Contact Details

Name: Prodigy Foods

Address: SCO-25, First Floor, Chandigarh Ambala Highway, Zirakpur, Punjab – 140603 (India)

Phone Number: +91-98763-28135, +91-86999-02333, +91-99882-04976

FAQs about Top Benefits of Soybean Meal

What animals do best eating soybean meal?

According to estimates, soybean meal is used for 48% of chicken feed, 26% of pigs, 12% of beef cattle, 9% of dairy cattle, 3% of fish feed and about 2% of pets.

Why is soybean meal important for poultry diets?

One of the highest-quality components and a major source of protein for poultry feed is soybean meal. It is commonly used in poultry feed due to its ability to balance amino acid levels in the diet with grains and their by-products.