What is DDGS? Price, Specification, Composition, And Uses
25 Sep 2023 - Admin
What is DDGS? Price, Specification, Composition, and Uses – The possible exhaustion of non-renewable energy sources and the pessimistic influence their burning has on the environment impose the lookout for substitute fuels generated from the plant biomass. Generally, these days, in a trial to replace traditional fuels, bioethanol generated from plant-based biofuels is used. Bioethanol is produced from the fermentation of starch stored in renewable materials, such as corn, wheat, rye, rice, and much more. Its generation includes the fermentation of raw material and its distillation followed by dehydration. The side product of ethanol production is a decoction.
Relying on the technology utilized for its generation, dried distillers’ decoction may be present in various forms: dried distillers’ grain (DDG); dried distillers’ grain with solubles (DDGS), and high-protein dried distillers’ grains (HPDDG), along with wet distillers’ grain (WDG), wet distillers’ grain with soluble (WDGS), and high-protein wet distillers’ grains HPWDG). Research carried out in the past few years has discovered the chances of corn DDG as feed for livestock because of its excessive amount of valuable protein, elevated calorific value, and bio elements.
Distillers grain is a feed for beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry. When we consider ruminants, it is significant that the distiller’s grain is foodstuff excess in ruminal undegradable protein, with significant fiber content that does not create rumen acidosis. DDGS has an optimistic influence on milk yield and its fat and protein content. Tests on rumen fermentation have conveyed that DDGS positively impacts processing in forestomachs: methanogenesis, ammonia emission, and volatile fatty acids profile.
Nutritional Characteristics of DDGS
Corn is one of the most often cultivated agricultural crops in the world. And it is progressively essential both in terms of food and in the chemical and energy industries. The initial research into dried distillers grain as potential elements of protein in feeding livestock occurred in 1945. In the past few years, the explanation of potential of using dried distiller grains as a feed for farm animals, particularly cattle (both beef cattle and dairy cattle), pigs, and poultry.
Corn dried distillers grain is rich protein feed: on the basis of approximation, it consists of 28–36% total protein (BO) as a dry element which is featured by the low rate of decomposition in the rumen, leading to rich content of ungradable fraction (RUP)—from 47% to 63% BO (55% on average). The existence of dead yeast cells provides the protein with good amino acid composition and rich nutritive value.
Because of the rich content of insoluble fiber, DDGS has an optimistic influence on digestion and reduces the pH in the digestive system. This leads to the lowering of the pathogen population and eliminates the existence of diarrhea in immature animals. DDGS is also a high source of protein and energy for lactating cows.
DDGS contains a lower level of energy than the soybean meal (by 4%), barley (by 17%), and wheat (by 25%), but greater than the rapeseed meal (by 20–40%). The tabular composition of energy for corn DDGS, excluding gross energy (heat of combustion), is less than in grains. Technological upgrades in ethanol production have made it feasible for the net energy of lactation in the decoction to in distinguish the concentration of energy in the grains.
Nutrients of DDGS | Average | Range |
Crude protein | 30% | 28.7-32.9 |
Crude Fat | 10% | 8.8-12.4 |
Ash | 7.2% | 5.4-10.4 |
Lysine | 0.9% | 0.61-1.06 |
Arginine | 1.31% | 1.01-1.48 |
Methionine | 0.65% | 0.54-0.76 |
Phosphorus | 0.75% | 0.42-0.99 |
Color of the DDGS
The color of the DDGS indicates the quality, if the color is lighter and more yellowish indicates the higher quality. If the DDGS color is darker and brownish then it is high in amino acids. The facts that can undergo the Maillard reactions and can be combined with carbohydrates rendering and undigestable for the animals. It is thought that the dark color may result of dying the wet DDGS in the plants at very high temperatures.
Influence of DDGS on Health and Productivity of Animals
Literature complies with research results related to the incorporation of wet (WDGS) and dried (DDGS) distillers’ grains to TMR. Distillers grains are a replacement for the later extraction of soy meal, or as a supplement to TMR mixture in the ratio of 10% to 20%. According to Janicek et al, this ratio of DDGS in complex feeds for cattle affects the growth of milk yield and the composition of fat and protein in it. Powers et al. portrayed that the use of DDGS and WDGS in feeding rich-producing dairy cows leads to impactful results irrespective of the type of decoction, i.e., dried and wet.
The percentage of fat in milk elevates slightly in livestock-fed TMR with the incorporation of DDGS and WDGS. However, feeding the wet decoction implies considerable growth of FAT percentage in milk, probably because of access to fiber in WDGS.
One of the potential causes may be the reactions of lipolysis, hydrogenation, and synthesis of fatty acids in the rumen, so their volume relies on the ratio and alterations in the profile during fermentation. Examining conversions of fatty acids in cow and sheep rumen and their flow to duodenum, Beam et al. and Jenkins, maintain the amount of fat collected from the feed. The ingredients of DDGS show rich levels of unsaturated fatty acids, which has an advantageous impact on their profile in the rumen digesta. The level of C18:1n9c and C18:2n6c acids in the rumen digesta in the in vitro analysis leverages the incorporation of DDGS. However, the levels of C15:0, C16:0, and C20:0 saturated fatty acids and unsaturated C14:1 in the rumen digesta during in vitro fermentation do not alter.
Conclusion on What is DDGS? Prices, Specifications, Composition, and Uses
Present research results recommend the impactful use of dry and wet distiller grains in livestock nutrition particularly the incorporation of corn-dried distiller grains (DDGS) in feed rations for cows, sheep, swine, poultry, and even rabbits. Recycling the byproducts of agriculture and the food industry is preferably an option for the conventional nutrition of animals. It is also a wonderful approach to utilizing the valuable nutrients that these byproducts consist of. In comparison with the other feeds, DDGS is cheaper but its use contains problems, as it is a changeable composition, which needs a technological process to standardize it.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What is DDGS? Price, Specification, Composition, and Uses
1. What is the composition of the DDGS?
The composition will vary from the type of DDGS. furthermore, the DDGS has a mix of various plants that contains moisture 8-13%, protein 25-34%, fat 7-16%, and fiber 18-40%.
2. What are the uses of the DDGS?
DDGS is mostly used for animal feed in cattle, poultry, swine, and aquaculture industries of livestock.
3. What is the shelf life of DDGS?
The shelf life for DDGS is more than the corn and soybean meal. Therefore, the longer shelf life makes DDGS a good choice for livestock and poultry producers.
4. What is the role of moisture in DDGS?
The moisture generally helps to avoid spoilage due to mold growth during the long-term storage.